Many of our members will have met or been assisted by Melissa Noonan the CEO of Limbs 4 Life, the national body representing Amputees. Melissa’s contribution and significant service to people with a disability. Melissa was awarded the: MEMBER (AM) IN THE GENERAL...
Disability and LGBTIQ advocate Jax Jacki Brown’s journey to find love has been rewarding, but not always easy. She writes about the barriers people with disability face when exploring their sexuality, and the importance of strength-based sex education. If you talk...
Justice Helen Wood ruled the Tasmanian Government had made a legal error in granting powers to the public guardian to stop [J] from returning to his boat. The board had wrongly found that he had a disability and was unable to make reasonable judgments about his...
In Australia, there are some 8000 lower limb amputations (LLA) performed annually. Despite a variety of targeted interventions, such as the increased availability of high-risk foot clinics and clear guidelines for their delivery, there has not been a reduction in the...
TAS director Bruce Frankcombe sent these shots from Maatsuyker island lighthouse where he and his wife are acting as caretakers for the next 3 months. As Bruce points out: “I definitely need a contingency plan if something goes wrong with a prosthesis in this...